The Village of Spring Lake is proud to share some archived articles
and pictures that we have come across.
You will find these pictures throughout some of the stories
and articles within the site as well.

Located in this photo gallery are some pictures from the past
of people young and old enjoying Spring Lake to the fullest.

We received these pictures from Randy Cowan of the south bay in 1936.
Talk about lake levels then!

Drainage Basin Characteristics

Drainage Basin Characteristics

The drainage basin is approximately 16 times larger than the lake surface. There are no defined permanent inlets to, or outlets from, the lake (Miller and Macdonald 1950). Historically, inflow came from an intermittent tributary that drained a series of small sloughs in the northwest section of the drainage basin.

The undulating to gently rolling terrain was formed on a pitted delta; surficial deposits include sand, silt and sand, clay, gravel, glacial till pockets and stones (Andriashek et al. 1979). The main soils are Orthic Gray Luvisols (Strong and Leggat 1981).

Spring Lake is part of the Moist Mixedwood Subregion of the Boreal Mixedwood Ecoregion (Strong and Leggat 1981). The predominant land use within the watershed is agriculture. Most land is cultivated for cereal crop production, but some areas are reserved for pasture. Areas of natural, undeveloped forest are present throughout the drainage basin. The dominant tree cover is trembling aspen and balsam poplar, with occasional stands of white spruce.

Around the lake perimeter, the forest is mainly on the western shore, at the Edmonton Beach Resort and along a thin strip on the eastern shore. Closer to the water's edge, on imperfectly to poorly drained sites, stands of willow and alder are prevalent (R.L. & L. Envir. Serv. Ltd. 1987).

The summer village of Edmonton Beach completely surrounds Spring Lake and all of the shoreland is privately owned. Cottage development is most intensive along the eastern side of the lake, but the southern and western shores are also developed. There is considerable residential development, particularly acreages, to the west and east of the lake - seven subdivisions, as well as the summer village, are registered in the watershed (R. L. & L. Envir. Serv. Ltd. 1987).

Posted ON Wed, October 28, 2020 at 1:03:49 pm MDT    Comments (0)
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