Waste Collection Services |
Garbage and Recycling services For the Village of Spring Lake

2025 Village of Spring Lake Garbage Schedule

Placing Your Trash For Curbside Pickup
Correct placement of your container for curbside trash, recycling, and organic waste collection is easy, but it’s also important to ensure your services are handled properly and safely.
We don’t want to miss your collection, but we can’t pick up your trash if it isn’t by the curb when our truck gets there on your service day. This guide on container placement will ensure you’re prepared:
Place your trash can and recycling bin at the curb with the wheels facing your house and the lid opening into the street.
Keep your garbage cans four feet apart and at least four feet or more from any obstacles such as mailboxes, cars, lamp posts, or power lines.
Keep your container at the curb until the end of the day if it hasn’t been collected. Sometimes the timing of our arrival changes, and we don’t want to miss you if we come later than expected.
It’s generally best to put your container out the night before your collection day. That way even if we’re early, you won’t miss your pick-up.
Acceptable Materials for Recycling Collection
When Recycling, not everything goes into your blue bag.
Here are the Dos and Don'ts of recycling within the Village of Spring Lake.
**Also, please remember that you will need to have space between the Garbage Tote and Blue Bags so that the garbage truck can pick up your trash with ease.
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What is Recycling?
* Please note: accepted materials vary by location. The list below provides a general guide on what can be recycled. For more information, contact your local branch.
Recycling is the process of separating specific reusable materials from garbage streams and diverting them to facilities that will repurpose them for reuse. Recycling offers a sustainable alternative to regular waste streams by decreasing input into municipal landfills. It’s essential to the future of our planet to drastically reduce the environmental impact of our waste materials and ensure that scarce resources are recovered and reused.
At GFL, our recycling operations involve materials such as wood, paper, cardboard, plastic, glass, aluminum, and other metals. We collect, sort, and prepare these materials for market and future use as recycled material. In some locations, we have our own state-of-the-art Material Recovery Facilities (MRFs) where we process recyclables into high-quality commodities.
What can I recycle?
When it comes to recycling, awareness is key. Contamination is the biggest issue impacting successful recycling practices today when people throw in items they shouldn’t, such as grease-soaked cardboard, plastic bags or paint cans. This is why it’s important to know what you can recycle and what you can’t.
It’s also important to note that accepted items vary by location and facility. Below is a general guide to what you can recycle, but this is NOT location specific. To ensure you are recycling correctly, please contact your local GFL branch or recycling center to get a list of accepted items.**
**Please check with your local branch for details of what’s accepted and what isn’t in your area. This general list does not apply everywhere, but it follows the most common practices, so always double-check to avoid contamination.

Secondary Garbage Bins
Did you know you can request a second garbage bin? Yes, it’s possible! To obtain one, please complete the request form provided.
To receive a second garbage bin, a $200 annual service fee and a $100 deposit (totaling $300) must be paid to the office before the tote is delivered. You can pay by cash, cheque, or e-transfer. For e-transfers, send payment to emily@springlakealberta.com with the password Trash2025. Please include your name, address, and indicate that the payment is for an extra garbage tote in the e-transfer description.
If you decide to discontinue the service, simply return the tote to the Office in clean and undamaged condition to the office, and your deposit will be refunded.