Property Tax and Assessment Information

As there have been a number of questions and comments regarding property taxes within the Village of Spring Lake, we have prepared a document that will outline how taxes are calculated on a yearly basis.

What Can I Do If I Don’t Agree With My Property Assessment?

1. Contact the Property Assessor Directly:
Grant Clark, KCL Consulting Inc.
(888) 419-2128

2. Complete the online form for Grant Clark, the Assessor to contact you at:

3. Contact the Village Office to set up a phone meeting with our Assessor, Grant Clark.

Monthly Property Tax Payments (TIPPs)

Please Note: Administration must receive the signed original of all applications no later than
January 15, 2024.

To sign up for the Pre-Authorized Tax Installment Payment Plan (TIPPS) to pay your Property Taxes monthly, please fill out and sign the form below.
Submit the form by email, in person or by mail, to: 

Village of Spring Lake
990 Bauer Avenue,
Spring Lake, AB   T7Z 2S9

Should you have any questions, please contact Administration at 780-963-4211.

Village Communications

Important Information and Communications from the
Council and Administration of the Village of Spring Lake.


The Integrated Community Sustainability Plan (ICSP) Project started in 2009 when the process was undertaken to meet the requirements set out in the revenue-sharing agreements between the federal, provincial, and municipal governments under the New Deal for Cities and Communities. The Village of Spring Lake undertook a community engagement process to create the first Integrated Community Sustainability Plan for the Village. In 2015, this grant became the Federal Gas Tax Fund (FGTF) between Canada and Alberta to transfer federal gas tax funding to Alberta municipalities. Subsequently, each Alberta municipality was invited to join this program and signed an agreement with the Province of Alberta outlining the requirements and benefits under the program. In 2021 the FGTF was renamed the Canadian Community Building Fund (CCBF). Although an ICSP has not been a requirement in recent years, a multi-year capital plan is. The Village of Spring Lake has developed and maintained a five-year capital plan since 2020 which provides the ability for the municipality to plan for the future. Council for the Village of Spring Lake recognizes the invaluable input and engagement from residents in planning for the future hence the continued focus of updating the ICSP.

The ICSP is a long-range plan that consists of five dimensions – environmental, governance, economic, social, and recreational/cultural – to be developed through public consultation and will provide direction to their Multi-Year Capital Infrastructure Plan.

The five dimensions of a Sustainable Community are:

• Environment – Preserving quality and natural built environments that minimize the negative impacts of development.

• Governance –Ensuring transparent, collaborative, and inclusive decision-making in which representation and leadership are accountable to the community.

• Economy – Creating a flourishing and diverse local economy through decisions that create conditions conducive to economic development and communities in which people want to live and do business.

• Social – Allowing the growth of communities that promote stability, diversity, and a high quality of life for all.

• Recreational/Culture – Celebrating vibrant and festive communities for the expression and enhancement of a distinct identity and strong sense of place.

This report is an updated version of the ICSP that was first developed in 2009 and provides a summary of what the community’s vision for Village of Spring Lake is in the future, how we will achieve this vision, and how we will ensure its sustainability.

To read the entire 2024 ICSP, please open the PDF


Bylaw 398 - Municipal Development Plan Amendment

Regarding: Bylaw #390 - Municipal Development Plan Bylaw.pdf

It has come to the attention of the Village of Spring Lake that clarification is needed on the Notice of Public Hearing regarding the Municipal Development Plan Amendment.  The Council for the Village of Spring Lake is giving notice that they are only considering, at this time, passing Bylaw No. 398 being a bylaw to amend the Municipal Development Plan Bylaw No. 390.

AD MDP Amend Private Sewage.pdf • 127 KB

Version 5.3.1
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